CBD Certification
In order to be certified during product and website review, the following standards are assessed.
CBD Product Certification Standards
The applicant must have the ability to demonstrate the product's compliance with all other standards.
To the extent that licensure or registration is required in any jurisdiction where the product is manufactured, processed, or sold, the product must comply with such requirements.
We need to see that the product and its supply chain comply with legal requirements.
The applicant should be able to provide supply chain documentation for all products. The product should adhere to all supply chain-related regulatory requirements and be manufactured consistent with good manufacturing practices. The applicant must provide a Certificate of Analysis demonstrating the CBD used in the final product complies with federal laws regarding the cultivation and processing of hemp.
Additionally, the applicant must provide to a testing facility approved by LegitScript, unexpired, random samples of products submitted for certification for testing. Such products must contain the advertised amount of hemp-derived compounds and must comply with legal requirements related to cannabinoid substances and ingredient levels.
The applicant must be able to demonstrate that products submitted for certification were produced in compliance with all USDA and state hemp-cultivation requirements, or are otherwise exempt from such requirements.
The applicant or product manufacturer, including any associated personnel, businesses, or websites, must not have been subject to significant recent and/or repeated instances of improper legal compliance, disciplinary sanctions, or other regulatory action. Prior offenses or other bad acts by the applicant or product manufacturer, including any prior regulatory discipline may be a disqualifying factor, in LegitScript's sole discretion.
Your products and their marketing must be in compliance with applicable laws.
Only products that are compliant with applicable federal and state regulations, and which are manufactured in accordance with applicable Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs), may be certified.
All product labeling must conform to federal and state legal and regulatory requirements. For example, cosmetic products containing CBD must be labeled in compliance with FDA cosmetics regulations. Products may not be marketed with impermissible therapeutic claims, or, as LegitScript may determine in our sole discretion, marketed in an obvious attempt to circumvent applicable regulations.
The applicant's business must not engage in practices or extend offers that may deceive or defraud regulators, customers, or the public in any way, including but not limited to any material detail regarding legal compliance and product marketing. Failure to provide full and accurate information as requested, in LegitScript's sole discretion, will result in denial. Applicants may undertake reasonable remedial action during the certification process without penalty; provided, however, that a history of fraudulent behavior or non-transparent operations may, in LegitScript's sole discretion, result in denial of the application.
CBD Website Certification Standards
Our first step is making sure you are who you say you are and that you have the necessary documentation.
The applicant must be duly registered as a corporate entity or legal person (e.g., as a limited liability company) in the state or jurisdiction where it appears to offer services.
To the extent that licensure or registration is required in any jurisdiction where the applicant operates or provides services, the applicant must comply with such requirements. This includes the jurisdiction(s) from which the products are sold and any jurisdiction(s) to which the products are offered to be shipped.
The applicant must display accurate contact information in a location easily navigable on its website.
The domain name registration information of the website must be accurate, and the domain name registrant must have a logical nexus to the applicant’s business. This Standard may be met by making the domain name registration information public, acquiring and maintaining a valid EVSSL certificate, or providing LegitScript with adequate documentation showing non-privacy protected domain name registration information for your website. Documentation that satisfies this requirement may be a screenshot directly from the registrar displaying Whois registrant information. The applicant must also provide all domain names and websites under its control.
We check to see that your affiliates and staff have the required qualifications.
Applicant's corporate officers, directors, or those exercising control over significant business decisions must submit to criminal background checks conducted at LegitScript's request, and must disclose any prior criminal, regulatory, or civil violations. The applicant must also disclose any litigation commenced, resolved, or otherwise addressed that involves the applicant at any time over the past 10 years. Prior offenses or other bad acts, including any prior regulatory discipline may be a disqualifying factor, in LegitScript's sole discretion.
The applicant, including any associated business or websites, must not have been subject to significant recent and/or repeated instances of improper legal compliance, disciplinary sanctions, or other regulatory action.
The applicant, and any person or entity that exercises control over, or participates in, the business must not be affiliated with any entity that violates these standards.
Problematic affiliations occur when any entity that participates in your business is affiliated with another entity that violates our Certification Standards. Examples of problematic affiliations include, but are not limited to, affiliations with entities selling non-compliant CBD or cannabis products, involved in the sale of illegal or unsafe products, engaged in practices that may deceive or defraud regulators, or operating illegally in any manner.
We make sure your products and their marketing are in compliance with applicable laws.
Any CBD products offered by the applicant website must be LegitScript-certified CBD products.
All product advertising and website language must conform to federal and state legal and regulatory requirements. For example, products may not be marketed with impermissible therapeutic claims, or, as LegitScript may determine in our sole discretion, marketed in an obvious attempt to circumvent applicable regulations.
All products manufactured or sold by the applicant, whether on the website submitted to LegitScript by the applicant or on any other website under the applicant's control, must comply with federal and state regulations, including state-specific product or CBD-seller registration or licensure. The applicant may not manufacture, advertise, or sell any illegal or unsafe products.
The applicant's business must not engage in practices or extend offers that may deceive or defraud regulators, customers, or the public in any way, including but not limited to any material detail regarding legal compliance and product marketing. Failure to provide full and accurate information as requested, in LegitScript's sole discretion, will result in denial. Applicants may undertake reasonable remedial action during the certification process without penalty; provided, however, that a history of fraudulent behavior or non-transparent operations may, in LegitScript's sole discretion, result in denial of the application.
Applicants and certified clients must advertise in a manner that is transparent and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Advertisements must not deceive, mislead, or defraud the public in any way.
Applicants advertising on internet platforms in apparent violation of the platforms' terms of service may be considered to be attempting to circumvent the goals of the LegitScript certification program. If LegitScript discovers such advertising, it may be grounds for certification denial or revocation.
Learn More About Becoming Certified
Fact Sheet
Let the world know that you operate safely and legally with LegitScript CBD Certification.
In order to be certified during product and website review, the following standards are assessed.
LegitScript CBD Certification lets you demonstrate your product quality and confidently navigate changing regulations.